Thursday, October 24 is Shemini Atzeret. The Cemetery office and gates will be closed.

About > History

About Mount Ararat Cemetery

Mount Ararat's founders sought to create a true alternative to the conventional Jewish cemetery. There are no burial societies at Mount Ararat only private family plots. Only one upright family monument is permitted on each plot with the family name(s) engraved thereon. The memorial for each grave is made of granite and is set flush with the ground. There are no plantings permitted on the graves only grass, which is mowed by the cemetery staff at no charge to the families. There are no annual grave care bills at Mount Ararat.

Mount Ararat also has several areas of the cemetery that have been set aside as the memorial gardens. These areas are specially planted and no upright memorials are permitted. In these sections, we place special emphasis on spiritual beauty with horticultural embellishments and rustic nooks and shaded arbors. The memorial gardens are very practical too as they afford savings by the elimination of the need for an upright memorial.

If you have never visited Mount Ararat Cemetery, you have missed seeing a truly beautiful modern Jewish cemetery. There is a dignity and tranquility about Mount Ararat that is unmatched in the greater metropolitan area.

This brief overview gives you a glimpse of Mount Ararat Cemetery...its serenity...its beauty..., its sensible planning. Take the time to visit with us sometime soon.

We made our first burial in 1931 three years after the cemetery was founded in 1928. The intervening years were spent in developing the grounds. Since that first burial approximately 54,000 burials have taken place and we expect over the next 75 years to make about 55,000 more burials.

The New York State Cemetery Board and the Division of Cemeteries regulate this cemetery, as well as the other 1900 not-for-profit cemeteries in this State. We by statute must obtain prior approval for all our rates and charges. Our prices for graves are registered with the New York State Cemetery Board and we are prohibited by law from charging lower than the registered prices.